Attach QNAP iSCSI Disk to Windows | Connect to Storage Without HBA Interface

Certainly, attaching a QNAP iSCSI disk to a Windows system involves several steps. Below is a general guide, but please note that specific steps may vary depending on the QNAP NAS model and the version of QTS firmware. Always refer to the documentation provided by QNAP for your specific model.

1. Configure iSCSI on QNAP NAS:

  • Log in to the QNAP NAS web interface.
  • Go to “Control Panel” > “Storage & Snapshots” > “iSCSI Storage.”
  • Create an iSCSI target and specify the settings, such as the target name and access permissions.
  • Create an iSCSI LUN (Logical Unit Number) within the target, specifying its size and other relevant parameters.
  • Note the iSCSI Target IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name) and the IP address of your QNAP NAS.

2. Connect Windows to the iSCSI Target:

  • On your Windows machine, open the iSCSI Initiator.
    • You can open it by searching for “iSCSI Initiator” in the Start menu.
  • In the iSCSI Initiator Properties window, go to the “Targets” tab.
  • Enter the IP address of your QNAP NAS in the “Target” field and click “Quick Connect.”
  • In the Quick Connect window, select the iSCSI target from the list and click “Connect.”
  • In the Connect to Target window, check the box next to “Enable multi-path” if your QNAP NAS supports it.
  • Click “Advanced Settings” to configure CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) settings if you have set up authentication on your QNAP NAS.
  • Click “OK” to connect to the iSCSI target.

3. Initialize and Format the iSCSI Disk:

  • Once connected, open the Disk Management tool on your Windows machine.
    • You can open it by searching for “Create and format hard disk partitions” in the Start menu.
  • You should see the new iSCSI disk as an uninitialized disk.
  • Right-click on the uninitialized disk and choose “Initialize Disk.”
  • Right-click on the newly initialized disk and select “New Simple Volume.”
  • Follow the wizard to create a new partition, assign a drive letter, and format the disk with your preferred file system.

4. Access the iSCSI Disk:

  • After formatting, the iSCSI disk should be accessible through the assigned drive letter.
  • You can now use the iSCSI disk for storage purposes, and it will behave like any other locally attached storage device.

Remember to follow best practices for iSCSI security, such as enabling CHAP authentication and restricting access to specific IP addresses, especially if your QNAP NAS is accessible over the internet. Always refer to the specific documentation for your QNAP NAS model for accurate and up-to-date instructions.

Capture Customized Windows Image by WDS

Step 1: Prepare the Reference Computer
Install Windows on a reference computer.
Customize the Windows installation as needed (install applications, configure settings, etc.).
Step 2: Sysprep the Reference Computer
Open a command prompt with administrative privileges.
Navigate to the Sysprep folder (usually located at C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep).
Run the Sysprep tool with the following options:
sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:unattend.xml
  • /generalize: Prepares the Windows installation to be imaged.
  • /oobe: Configures the computer to boot to Windows Welcome upon the next restart.
  • /shutdown: Shuts down the computer after Sysprep completes.
  • /unattend:unattend.xml: Specifies an unattend.xml file to automate the Sysprep process. This file is optional but recommended for consistency.

Step 3: Boot the Reference Computer into Windows PE

  • Insert a bootable media (USB drive or DVD) containing Windows PE.
  • Boot the reference computer from the bootable media.

Step 4: Capture the Image

  • In Windows PE, open a command prompt.
  • Use the WDSUTIL command to capture the image. For example:

WDSUTIL /Verbose /Progress /Capture-Image /Image:”CustomImage” /Name:”Custom Image” /Description:”Customized Windows Image” /CaptureDir:”D:\Captures”

  • /Image:"CustomImage": Specifies the name for the captured image.
  • /Name:"Custom Image": Specifies a friendly name for the captured image.
  • /Description:"Customized Windows Image": Provides a description for the captured image.
  • /CaptureDir:"D:\Captures": Specifies the directory to store the captured image.

Step 5: Upload the Captured Image to WDS Server

  • After capturing the image, navigate to the WDS server.
  • Use the WDS MMC snap-in or the WDSUTIL command to upload the captured image to the server.

Step 6: Create an Install Image

  • In the WDS MMC snap-in, right-click on “Install Images” and select “Add Install Image.”
  • Specify the location of the captured image file and follow the wizard to create the install image.

Step 7: Deploy the Image

  • Boot a client computer from the network using PXE boot.
  • Select the customized image from the WDS server for deployment.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to deploy the image to the client computer.

Make sure to test the deployment thoroughly before deploying to production environments.

Install Windows OS from Network | Install And Configure Windows Deployment Service (WDS)

1. Install Windows Deployment Services Role:

  • Open Server Manager on a Windows Server machine.
  • Click on “Add roles and features.”
  • Select “Windows Deployment Services” as the role to install.
  • Follow the wizard to complete the installation.

2. Configure Windows Deployment Services:

  • After installing the role, open the Windows Deployment Services console from the Server Manager.
  • Right-click on the server name and select “Configure Server.”
  • Follow the wizard to configure the server.
  • Choose the location to store the images (you can use the default location).
  • Select “Integrated with Active Directory” if you want to use Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to authorize clients and manage computer accounts.
  • Specify the DHCP server settings. You can choose to configure DHCP options 60, 66, and 67, or you can manually configure DHCP options if you’re using a separate DHCP server.

3. Add Boot and Install Images:

  • In the Windows Deployment Services console, expand the server name.
  • Right-click on “Boot Images” and select “Add Boot Image.”
  • Browse to the location of the Windows installation files and select the boot image (boot.wim) file.
  • Repeat the process to add the install image (install.wim) file for the Windows version you want to deploy.

4. Configure DHCP Options (if not done in step 2):

  • If you didn’t configure DHCP options during the WDS configuration, you’ll need to do it manually on your DHCP server.
  • Configure option 60 to PXEClient.
  • Configure option 66 to the IP address of the WDS server.
  • Configure option 67 to boot\x64\pxeboot.n12 for BIOS-based systems or boot\x64\wdsmgfw.efi for UEFI-based systems.

5. PXE Boot and Install Windows:

  • Boot the client computer from the network (PXE boot). This usually involves pressing a key (e.g., F12) during startup to access the boot menu and selecting the network boot option.
  • The client will contact the WDS server and load the boot image.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to select the install image and complete the Windows installation.

6. Monitor Deployment:

  • Use the Windows Deployment Services console to monitor the deployment process and view the status of client installations.

By following these steps, you can set up Windows Deployment Services to deploy Windows operating systems over the network, making it easier to manage and deploy Windows installations across multiple computers.