Free FortiGate Install and Configuration | Create Fortigate LAB for Training

1. Downloading Free FortiGate VM

Fortinet offers a free version of FortiGate VM for various hypervisors including VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, and more. Follow these steps to download it:

  1. Visit the Fortinet Support Portal:
    • Go to Fortinet Support.
    • Log in or create a new account if you don’t have one.
  2. Download the FortiGate VM:
    • Navigate to the “Download” section.
    • Select “VM Images” and choose the appropriate hypervisor (e.g., VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, etc.).
    • Download the FortiGate VM package.

2. Deploying FortiGate VM on Your Hypervisor

The deployment process may vary slightly depending on your hypervisor. Below are steps for VMware ESXi:

  1. Deploy OVF Template:
    • Open your VMware vSphere Client.
    • Right-click on your desired host or cluster and select “Deploy OVF Template.”
    • Follow the wizard, selecting the downloaded FortiGate VM OVF file.
    • Configure the VM settings (name, datastore, network mapping, etc.).
    • Finish the deployment process.
  2. Power On the VM:
    • Once the deployment is complete, power on the FortiGate VM.

3. Initial Configuration

  1. Access the FortiGate Console:
    • Use the vSphere Client to open the console of the FortiGate VM.
    • The initial login credentials are usually admin for the username and a blank password.
  2. Set the Password:
    • You will be prompted to set a new password for the admin user.
  3. Configure the Management Interface:
    • Assign an IP address to the management interface.
    • Example commands:

config system interface
edit port1
set ip
set allowaccess http https ping ssh

  1. Access the Web Interface:
    • Open a web browser and navigate to https://<management-ip>.
    • Log in with the admin credentials.

4. Basic Setup via Web Interface

  1. System Settings:
    • Navigate to System > Settings.
    • Set the hostname, time zone, and DNS servers.
  2. Network Configuration:
    • Configure additional interfaces if needed under Network > Interfaces.
    • Create VLANs, set up DHCP, etc.
  3. Security Policies:
    • Define security policies to control traffic flow under Policy & Objects > IPv4 Policy.
    • Set source and destination interfaces, addresses, and services.
  4. Enable Features:
    • Enable and configure additional features like IPS, Antivirus, Web Filtering, etc., under Security Profiles.

5. Connecting to the Internet

  1. WAN Interface Configuration:
    • Configure the WAN interface with the appropriate settings (static IP, DHCP, PPPoE, etc.).
  2. Routing:
    • Set up a default route under Network > Static Routes pointing to the WAN gateway.
  3. NAT Configuration:
    • Configure NAT settings under Policy & Objects > NAT.

6. Licensing

  • The free version of FortiGate VM comes with limited features. For full functionality, you may need to purchase a license and activate it under System > FortiGuard.

Free Open Source Router and Firewall | How to Install VyOS and Configure OSPF: Step-by-Step Guide

VyOS Installation and Configuration Guide


VyOS is an open-source network operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux that provides software-based network routing, firewall, and VPN functionality. This guide covers the installation and configuration of VyOS, including setting up OSPF.

Installation of VyOS

1. Download VyOS ISO:

   – Go to the VyOS download page and download the ISO image of the latest stable version.

2. Create a Bootable USB Drive:

   – For Windows: Use Rufus to create a bootable USB drive.

   – For Linux/macOS: Use the `dd` command.

3. Boot from the USB Drive:

   – Insert the USB drive into your server or PC and boot from it. You may need to change the boot order in the BIOS/UEFI settings.

4. Install VyOS:

   – Once booted, you will be presented with the VyOS live environment. Log in with the default credentials:

     Username: vyos
     Password: vyos

   – To start the installation, enter:

     install image

   – Follow the prompts to select the installation disk, partitioning scheme, and other options. You will also set a password for the `vyos` user and create a GRUB bootloader.

5. Reboot:

   – After the installation completes, reboot the system and remove the USB drive. The system will boot into the installed VyOS.

Basic Configuration of VyOS

1. Log In:

   – Log in with the user `vyos` and the password you set during installation.

2. Enter Configuration Mode:


3. Set Hostname:

   set system host-name my-router

4. Configure Network Interfaces:

   – Identify the network interfaces using the `show interfaces` command.

   – Configure an interface (e.g., `eth0`) with a static IP address:

     set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ‘’

5. Configure Default Gateway:

   set protocols static route next-hop

6. Set DNS Servers:

   set system name-server
   set system name-server

7. Enable SSH:

   set service ssh port 22

Configuring OSPF

Enable OSPF

To configure OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) on VyOS:

1. Enter Configuration Mode:


2. Enable OSPF:

   set protocols ospf parameters router-id

   Replace `` with a unique router ID for the OSPF instance.

Configure OSPF on Interfaces

Specify which interfaces will participate in OSPF and their respective areas:

   set protocols ospf area 0 network
   set protocols ospf area 0 network

   Replace `` and `` with the actual network addresses of your interfaces.

Adjust OSPF Interface Parameters (Optional)

You can adjust OSPF interface parameters like cost, hello interval, and dead interval:

   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf cost 10
   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf hello-interval 10
   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf dead-interval 40

   Replace `eth0` with your actual interface name.

Commit and Save the Configuration


Example Configuration for OSPF

Here is an example configuration where two interfaces (`eth0` and `eth1`) participate in OSPF with different network segments.

Configuration for Router 1:

set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ‘’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ‘’

set protocols ospf parameters router-id
set protocols ospf area 0 network
set protocols ospf area 0 network


Configuration for Router 2:

set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ‘’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ‘’

set protocols ospf parameters router-id
set protocols ospf area 0 network
set protocols ospf area 0 network


Verifying OSPF Configuration

1. Check OSPF Neighbors:

   show ip ospf neighbor

2. Check OSPF Routes:

   show ip route ospf

3. Check OSPF Interface Status:

   show ip ospf interface

Additional OSPF Configurations

Configuring OSPF Authentication

To enhance security, you can configure OSPF authentication on the interfaces:

1. Set Authentication Type and Key:

   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf authentication message-digest
   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 ‘yourpassword’

   Replace `yourpassword` with a secure password.

2. Configure OSPF Area Authentication:

   set protocols ospf area 0 authentication message-digest

Configuring OSPF Redistribution

To redistribute routes from other protocols (e.g., BGP) into OSPF:

1. Set Redistribution:

   set protocols ospf redistribute bgp

Troubleshooting OSPF

1. Check OSPF Process:

   show ip ospf

2. Check OSPF Logs:

   show log

3. Debug OSPF:

   monitor protocol ospf

Setup Free Firewall at Home or Office, Install and Configure pfSense

  1. Download pfSense:
    • Go to the pfSense website ( and download the appropriate installation image for your hardware. Choose between the Community Edition (CE) or pfSense Plus.
  2. Create Installation Media:
    • Burn the downloaded image to a CD/DVD or create a bootable USB drive using software like Rufus (for Windows) or dd (for Linux).
  3. Boot from Installation Media:
    • Insert the installation media into the computer where you want to install pfSense and boot from it. You may need to change the boot order in the BIOS settings.
  4. Install pfSense:
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to install pfSense. You’ll be asked to select the installation mode (e.g., Quick/Easy Install, Custom Install), configure network interfaces, set up disk partitions, and create an admin password.
  5. Reboot:
    • Once the installation is complete, remove the installation media and reboot the computer.


  1. Initial Setup:
    • After rebooting, pfSense will start up and present you with a console menu.
    • Use the keyboard to select ‘1’ to boot pfSense in multi-user mode.
  2. Access the Web Interface:
    • Open a web browser on a computer connected to the same network as pfSense.
    • Enter the IP address of the pfSense firewall in the address bar (default is
    • Log in with the username ‘admin’ and the password you set during installation.
  3. Initial Configuration Wizard:
    • The first time you access the web interface, you’ll be guided through the initial configuration wizard.
    • Set the WAN and LAN interfaces, configure the LAN IP address, set the time zone, and configure the admin password.
  4. Configure Interfaces:
    • Navigate to ‘Interfaces’ in the web interface to configure additional interfaces if needed (e.g., DMZ, OPT interfaces). Assign interfaces and configure IP addresses.
  5. Firewall Rules:
    • Set up firewall rules under ‘Firewall’ > ‘Rules’ to allow or block traffic between interfaces. Configure rules for the WAN, LAN, and any additional interfaces.
  6. NAT (Network Address Translation):
    • Configure NAT rules under ‘Firewall’ > ‘NAT’ to translate private IP addresses to public IP addresses. Set up Port Forwarding, 1:1 NAT, or Outbound NAT rules as needed.
  7. DHCP Server:
    • If you want pfSense to act as a DHCP server, configure DHCP settings under ‘Services’ > ‘DHCP Server’. Set up the range of IP addresses to lease, DNS servers, and other DHCP options.
  8. VPN:
    • Set up VPN connections (e.g., OpenVPN, IPsec) under ‘VPN’ > ‘IPsec’ or ‘OpenVPN’. Configure VPN settings, certificates, and user authentication.
  9. Packages:
    • Install additional packages for extra functionality under ‘System’ > ‘Package Manager’. Popular packages include Snort (for Intrusion Detection/Prevention), Squid (for web caching), and HAProxy (for load balancing).
  10. Save Configuration:
    • Click on ‘Apply Changes’ to save your configuration.
  11. Final Steps:
    • Test your configuration to ensure everything is working as expected.
    • Consider setting up backups of your pfSense configuration under ‘Diagnostics’ > ‘Backup & Restore’.

FortiGate 80F Firewall Unbox and Configure


  1. Inspect the Package:
    • Open the shipping box and check for the following components:
      • FortiGate 80F unit
      • Power adapter
      • Ethernet cables
      • Mounting hardware (if applicable)
      • Documentation and setup guide
  2. Connectivity:
    • Identify the WAN (Wide Area Network), LAN (Local Area Network), and DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) ports on the FortiGate 80F.
    • Connect the appropriate network cables to these ports based on your network architecture.
  3. Power On:
    • Connect the power adapter to the FortiGate 80F and plug it into a power source.
    • Power on the device and wait for it to complete the boot-up process. You can monitor the status using the indicator lights on the unit.

Initial Configuration:

  1. Access Web Interface:
    • Open a web browser and enter the default IP address of the FortiGate 80F (e.g.,
    • Log in using the default credentials (usually “admin” for both username and password).
  2. Initial Setup Wizard:
    • Follow the prompts of the setup wizard to configure basic settings:
      • Set the system name and administrator password.
      • Configure the time zone and date/time settings.
  3. Network Configuration:
    • Set up the WAN and LAN interfaces:
      • Assign IP addresses to the interfaces.
      • Define DHCP settings if applicable.
      • Configure any additional interfaces based on your network design.
  4. Security Policies:
    • Define security policies to control traffic flow. This includes inbound and outbound rules based on source, destination, and services.
    • Implement firewall rules, NAT (Network Address Translation), and security profiles (antivirus, intrusion prevention, etc.).
  5. Update Firmware:
    • Check for firmware updates in the web interface.
    • Download and apply the latest firmware to ensure security patches and feature enhancements.
  6. VPN Configuration (Optional):
    • If your organization requires VPN connectivity, configure VPN settings:
      • Set up IPsec or SSL VPN tunnels.
      • Define VPN users and access policies.
  7. Monitoring and Logging:
    • Configure logging settings to capture events and monitor network activity.
    • Set up alerts for critical events.
  8. User Authentication (Optional):
    • If applicable, configure user authentication:
      • Integrate with LDAP or RADIUS for centralized user management.
      • Implement two-factor authentication for additional security.
  9. Wireless Configuration (Optional):
    • If the FortiGate 80F has wireless capabilities, configure wireless settings, including SSID, security protocols, and access controls.
  10. Testing:
    • Perform thorough testing to ensure that the firewall is functioning as expected.
    • Test internet access, VPN connections, and the enforcement of security policies.

FortiGate Radius Configuration

Hello everyone , in this video I am going to integrate fortigate firewall with radius server , after that fortigate administrators can login and manage fortigate by using their active directory username and password.

Step 1: Log into FortiGate

Access your FortiGate device through a web browser or SSH client.

Step 2: Navigate to System Settings

  1. Go to System > Settings in the FortiGate web interface.

Step 3: Configure RADIUS Server

  1. Under Authentication Settings, click Create New to add a RADIUS server.
  2. Fill in the following details:
    • Name: A descriptive name for the RADIUS server.
    • Server: Enter the IP address or hostname of your RADIUS server.
    • Secret: This is a shared secret key that must match the one configured on the RADIUS server for authentication. It ensures secure communication between FortiGate and the RADIUS server.
    • Authentication Port: Usually set to 1812 for RADIUS authentication.
    • Accounting Port: Typically set to 1813 for RADIUS accounting, if needed.
  3. Click OK to save the RADIUS server configuration.

Step 4: Define a RADIUS Server Group

  1. Under Authentication Settings, click Create New to add a RADIUS server group.
  2. Give the group a descriptive name to identify it later.
  3. Add the previously configured RADIUS server(s) to the group. You can use multiple RADIUS servers for redundancy and load balancing.
    • Select the RADIUS servers from the list and use the right arrow button to move them to the “Selected” column.
  4. Click OK to save the RADIUS server group.

Step 5: Configure User Groups for RADIUS Authentication

  1. If you want to use RADIUS for user authentication, navigate to User & Device > User Groups.
  2. Edit an existing user group or create a new one based on your needs.
  3. In the user group settings, go to the Remote Groups section and select the RADIUS server group you created in Step 4.
  • This configuration ensures that users in this group will be authenticated against the RADIUS server.

Step 6: Testing

  1. It’s essential to test your RADIUS configuration to verify that it’s functioning correctly. You can do this by attempting to log in using user accounts associated with the RADIUS server.

Step 7: Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  1. FortiGate provides various monitoring tools under Log & Report where you can review RADIUS authentication and accounting logs. These logs can be instrumental in troubleshooting any issues with the RADIUS configuration.

Step 8: Additional Configuration

  1. Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to configure additional options such as RADIUS accounting, timeout settings, and other advanced features. Consult the FortiGate documentation for comprehensive details on these options.

Step 9: Save Configuration

  1. Make sure to save your configuration changes to ensure they are preserved across device reboots and updates.

By following these detailed steps, you can set up FortiGate to authenticate and authorize users through a RADIUS server effectively. This configuration enhances network security by centralizing user authentication and access control.

FortiGate Session limit Configuration

Hello everyone in this video i will configure traffic shaping and session limit for my test web server , By enforcing session limits, you can prevent a single client or a group of clients from establishing an excessive number of connections, thus reducing the impact of DDoS attacks, also Web servers have finite resources, including CPU, memory, and network bandwidth.

Allowing too many concurrent sessions can lead to resource exhaustion, resulting in degraded performance or even server crashes. The FortiGate Traffic Shaper is a feature within the Fortinet FortiGate firewall platform that allows you to control and manage network traffic by applying quality of service (QoS) policies. The Traffic Shaper provides a set of tools to shape, control, and monitor network traffic based on predefined policies and rules.

1. Log into the FortiGate Web Interface:

  • Open a web browser and enter the IP address of your FortiGate device.
  • Log in with administrator credentials.

2. Navigate to Security Policies:

  • In the FortiGate web interface, go to “Policy & Objects” or a similar section, depending on your FortiGate’s firmware version.

3. Create or Edit a Security Policy:

  • You can either create a new security policy or edit an existing one. A security policy defines the rules for traffic passing through the firewall.

4. Configure the Session Limits:

a. General Settings: – In the security policy configuration, you’ll find an option to set session limits. Look for a section labeled “Session Options” or similar.

b. Select Session Limit Type: – Choose the appropriate session limit type based on your requirements: – Limit: Sets a maximum limit on the total number of concurrent sessions allowed for this policy. – Per-User Limit: Sets a session limit per user, which is useful in user-based authentication scenarios. – Per-IP Limit: Sets a session limit per source IP address.

c. Configure Limit Value: – Specify the numeric value for the session limit. For example, if you chose “Limit” and set the value to 100, this policy would allow a maximum of 100 concurrent sessions.

d. Define Action on Limit: – Choose what should happen when the session limit is reached. Common actions include: – Accept: Continue accepting new sessions, ignoring the limit. – Drop: Reject new sessions once the limit is reached. – Log: Log information about sessions that exceed the limit. – Rate Limit: Throttle the rate of new sessions when the limit is reached.

e. Idle Timeout and Session Timeout: – These settings help manage session duration: – Idle Timeout: Set the maximum time a session can remain idle (no traffic) before it’s terminated. This prevents stale connections from consuming resources. – Session Timeout: Define the maximum duration a session can last before being terminated, regardless of activity.

f. Advanced Session Options (Optional): – Depending on your FortiGate firmware version and specific requirements, you may have additional session-related options to configure. These could include session helpers for specific protocols or advanced settings for more granular control over session behavior.

5. Save and Apply the Configuration:

  • Once you’ve configured the session limits according to your requirements, save the changes and apply the updated security policy.

6. Testing and Monitoring:

  • Thoroughly test your firewall rules and session limits to ensure they align with your network’s security and performance needs.
  • Monitor firewall logs and session statistics to track how the session limits are being enforced and whether any adjustments are needed.

Please note that the exact steps and terminology may vary depending on your FortiGate firmware version. Consult the official Fortinet documentation or seek assistance from Fortinet support for version-specific details or advanced configurations. Additionally, it’s important to regularly review and update your security policies to adapt to changing network requirements and threats.

FortiGate Auto Backup to SFTP configuration

Hello everyone, today I am going to show you how to automatically back up your FortiGate configuration. As you know, backing up the configuration is crucial for every network engineer. Sometimes, network engineers forget to download backups of their configurations. If you follow along with me in this video, your firewall configuration will be automatically backed up every day. Additionally, every time an admin user logs in to the FortiGate, it will also generate the configuration and upload it to SFTP.

Step 1: Access the FortiGate Web Interface

  1. Open a web browser and enter the IP address or hostname of your FortiGate device to access its web interface.

Step 2: Log in 2. Log in to the FortiGate web interface with administrative credentials.

Step 3: Configure the SFTP Server

a. Navigate to System > Config > Features. b. Locate the “Backup” section and ensure that “Enable SFTP” is enabled. This allows the FortiGate device to communicate with the SFTP server for backup purposes.

Step 4: Create a Backup Profile

a. Go to System > Admin > Settings. b. Under Backup, you’ll find the “Backup Profiles” section. Click on the “Create New” button to create a new backup profile.

Step 5: Configure the Backup Profile

a. In the “Create New Backup Profile” window, provide a descriptive name for the profile. This name will help you identify the backup profile later. b. Select the frequency at which you want backups to occur. You can choose from options like daily, weekly, or monthly. c. Specify the time of day when the backup should be initiated. Choose a time that is convenient and doesn’t disrupt your network operations. d. Under the “Backup Location” section, select “SFTP Server” as the backup destination.

Step 6: Configure SFTP Server Settings

a. After selecting “SFTP Server,” you’ll need to enter the following details for your SFTP server: – Server IP Address or Hostname: This is the address of your SFTP server where backups will be sent. – Port: Typically, SFTP uses port 22, but ensure it matches your SFTP server’s configuration. – Username: Provide the SFTP username for authentication. – Password: Enter the password associated with the SFTP username. – Directory: Specify the directory on the SFTP server where you want to store the FortiGate backups.

Step 7: Schedule the Backup

a. After configuring the SFTP server settings, go to System > Config > Backup. b. Click on “Create New” to create a new backup schedule. c. In the “Create New Backup Schedule” window: – Select the backup profile you created in the previous step from the dropdown menu. – Choose the days of the week for backups (for weekly backups) or the day of the month (for monthly backups).

Step 8: Review and Apply Configuration

a. Review your backup configuration to ensure that all settings are accurate and complete. b. Click “Apply” or “OK” to save and apply the changes.

With these detailed steps, your FortiGate device is now configured to automatically back up its configuration to the specified SFTP server at the scheduled time and frequency you defined. Regularly verify the backups to ensure they are functioning correctly and provide a reliable safeguard for your firewall’s settings.

Install and Config Mikrotik Router

Hello everyone, in this video I am going to install mikrotik router os on hyper-v and after that I will be configure routerOS to provide internet access for clients by configuring dhcp server , create a nat rule , setup pptp vpn server. Ok lets start

  1. Hardware Requirements:
    • MikroTik router device (such as a MikroTik RouterBOARD)
    • Ethernet cables
    • Computer with an Ethernet port
    • Power source for the router
  2. Initial Setup:
    • Connect the MikroTik router to a power source and to your computer using an Ethernet cable. The router usually has a default IP address for the initial configuration, such as Ensure that your computer is set to obtain an IP address automatically through DHCP.
  3. Access the Router:
    • Open a web browser on your computer and enter the default IP address of the MikroTik router in the address bar (e.g.,
    • You should see the MikroTik login page. The default username is “admin,” and there is no password by default. It is crucial to change the default password during the initial setup for security reasons.
  4. Basic Configuration:
    • Once logged in, you can start configuring the router. Here are some basic configurations:
      • Set a strong password for the “admin” user.
      • Set the router’s hostname.
      • Configure the time zone.
      • Set the DNS servers.
  5. LAN Configuration:
    • Configure the LAN (Local Area Network) settings, including the IP address and subnet mask for the router’s LAN interface.
    • You can create DHCP server pools to assign IP addresses to devices on your local network automatically.
  6. WAN Configuration:
    • Configure the WAN (Wide Area Network) interface, which could be connected to your internet service provider (ISP). This often involves configuring the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS servers provided by your ISP.
    • Set up NAT (Network Address Translation) if you have multiple devices on your LAN and want them to share a single public IP address.
  7. Firewall Configuration:
    • Create firewall rules to control incoming and outgoing traffic. MikroTik routers have a powerful firewall system that allows you to filter and control traffic based on various criteria.
  8. Security and Access Control:
    • Configure access control lists (ACLs) to restrict or allow specific traffic.
    • Enable SSH or secure Winbox access for remote management and disable insecure services like Telnet.
  9. Additional Features:
    • Depending on your needs, you can configure various additional features such as VPNs, VLANs, QoS (Quality of Service), routing protocols, and more.
  10. Save and Backup Configuration:
    • After configuring your MikroTik router, make sure to save your configuration settings and create regular backups. This can be done through the router’s web interface.
  11. Testing:
    • Test your network to ensure everything is working as expected. Check internet connectivity, LAN connectivity, and any specific services or features you’ve configured.
  12. Documentation:
    • Keep thorough documentation of your MikroTik router’s configuration, including any changes you make over time. This will be helpful for troubleshooting and future reference.

Configure Site to Site VPN on Cisco ASA

Welcome to my channel , in this  video i will configure site to site vpn on Cisco ASA . i will show you the steps to set up a secure and reliable VPN connection between two Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances (ASAs).

Before we dive into the technical aspects, let’s take a moment to understand the importance of site-to-site VPNs in today’s interconnected world. As businesses expand globally, secure communication between different locations becomes paramount. Whether you’re connecting remote offices, data centers, or branch networks, a site-to-site VPN offers a robust solution to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.


  • You have physical or remote access to the Cisco ASA device.
  • You have administrative access to the ASA via SSH, console cable, or ASDM (Adaptive Security Device Manager).

Step 1: Basic ASA Configuration

  1. Connect to the ASA using SSH or the console cable.
  2. Log in with your administrator credentials.

hostname ASA_NAME enable password YOUR_ENABLE_PASSWORD passwd YOUR_CONSOLE_PASSWORD interface GigabitEthernet0/0 nameif outside security-level 0 ip address YOUR_OUTSIDE_IP no shutdown exit interface GigabitEthernet0/1 nameif inside security-level 100 ip address YOUR_INSIDE_IP no shutdown exit route outside YOUR_GATEWAY_IP 1


Step 2: Define ISAKMP Policy

  1. Configure the ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) policy to specify the encryption and authentication parameters for the VPN.

crypto isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-share encryption aes-256 hash sha group 2 lifetime 86400

Step 3: Create a Pre-shared Key

  1. Define a pre-shared key that will be used to authenticate the remote VPN peer.

crypto isakmp key YOUR_PRESHARED_KEY address REMOTE_PEER_IP

Replace YOUR_PRESHARED_KEY with your chosen pre-shared key and REMOTE_PEER_IP with the IP address of the remote VPN peer.

Step 4: Create a Crypto Map

  1. Create a crypto map that defines the remote peer’s IP, transform sets, and access control list (ACL) for traffic to be encrypted.

crypto map MY_CRYPTO_MAP 10 match address VPN_ACL crypto map MY_CRYPTO_MAP 10 set peer REMOTE_PEER_IP crypto map MY_CRYPTO_MAP 10 set transform-set MY_TRANSFORM_SET

Replace MY_CRYPTO_MAP, VPN_ACL, REMOTE_PEER_IP, and MY_TRANSFORM_SET with your desired values.

Step 5: Create an Access Control List (ACL)

  1. Define an access control list (ACL) that identifies which traffic should be encrypted and sent over the VPN.

access-list VPN_ACL extended permit ip LOCAL_NETWORK SUBNET_MASK any

Replace LOCAL_NETWORK and SUBNET_MASK with your local network’s details.

Step 6: Apply Crypto Map to an Interface

  1. Apply the crypto map to the ASA’s outside interface.

crypto map MY_CRYPTO_MAP interface outside

Step 7: Save the Configuration

  1. Save the configuration changes.

write memory

Step 8: Verify the VPN

  1. Check the VPN status using the following command:

show crypto isakmp sa show crypto ipsec sa

These commands will display information about the IKE and IPsec tunnels.

That’s it! You’ve configured a Site-to-Site VPN on a Cisco ASA. Remember to adjust the configuration to match your specific network topology and security requirements. Additionally, ensure that the remote peer’s configuration matches the parameters you’ve configured here for successful VPN establishment.