Free Open Source Router and Firewall | How to Install VyOS and Configure OSPF: Step-by-Step Guide

VyOS Installation and Configuration Guide


VyOS is an open-source network operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux that provides software-based network routing, firewall, and VPN functionality. This guide covers the installation and configuration of VyOS, including setting up OSPF.

Installation of VyOS

1. Download VyOS ISO:

   – Go to the VyOS download page and download the ISO image of the latest stable version.

2. Create a Bootable USB Drive:

   – For Windows: Use Rufus to create a bootable USB drive.

   – For Linux/macOS: Use the `dd` command.

3. Boot from the USB Drive:

   – Insert the USB drive into your server or PC and boot from it. You may need to change the boot order in the BIOS/UEFI settings.

4. Install VyOS:

   – Once booted, you will be presented with the VyOS live environment. Log in with the default credentials:

     Username: vyos
     Password: vyos

   – To start the installation, enter:

     install image

   – Follow the prompts to select the installation disk, partitioning scheme, and other options. You will also set a password for the `vyos` user and create a GRUB bootloader.

5. Reboot:

   – After the installation completes, reboot the system and remove the USB drive. The system will boot into the installed VyOS.

Basic Configuration of VyOS

1. Log In:

   – Log in with the user `vyos` and the password you set during installation.

2. Enter Configuration Mode:


3. Set Hostname:

   set system host-name my-router

4. Configure Network Interfaces:

   – Identify the network interfaces using the `show interfaces` command.

   – Configure an interface (e.g., `eth0`) with a static IP address:

     set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ‘’

5. Configure Default Gateway:

   set protocols static route next-hop

6. Set DNS Servers:

   set system name-server
   set system name-server

7. Enable SSH:

   set service ssh port 22

Configuring OSPF

Enable OSPF

To configure OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) on VyOS:

1. Enter Configuration Mode:


2. Enable OSPF:

   set protocols ospf parameters router-id

   Replace `` with a unique router ID for the OSPF instance.

Configure OSPF on Interfaces

Specify which interfaces will participate in OSPF and their respective areas:

   set protocols ospf area 0 network
   set protocols ospf area 0 network

   Replace `` and `` with the actual network addresses of your interfaces.

Adjust OSPF Interface Parameters (Optional)

You can adjust OSPF interface parameters like cost, hello interval, and dead interval:

   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf cost 10
   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf hello-interval 10
   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf dead-interval 40

   Replace `eth0` with your actual interface name.

Commit and Save the Configuration


Example Configuration for OSPF

Here is an example configuration where two interfaces (`eth0` and `eth1`) participate in OSPF with different network segments.

Configuration for Router 1:

set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ‘’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ‘’

set protocols ospf parameters router-id
set protocols ospf area 0 network
set protocols ospf area 0 network


Configuration for Router 2:

set interfaces ethernet eth0 address ‘’
set interfaces ethernet eth1 address ‘’

set protocols ospf parameters router-id
set protocols ospf area 0 network
set protocols ospf area 0 network


Verifying OSPF Configuration

1. Check OSPF Neighbors:

   show ip ospf neighbor

2. Check OSPF Routes:

   show ip route ospf

3. Check OSPF Interface Status:

   show ip ospf interface

Additional OSPF Configurations

Configuring OSPF Authentication

To enhance security, you can configure OSPF authentication on the interfaces:

1. Set Authentication Type and Key:

   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf authentication message-digest
   set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 ‘yourpassword’

   Replace `yourpassword` with a secure password.

2. Configure OSPF Area Authentication:

   set protocols ospf area 0 authentication message-digest

Configuring OSPF Redistribution

To redistribute routes from other protocols (e.g., BGP) into OSPF:

1. Set Redistribution:

   set protocols ospf redistribute bgp

Troubleshooting OSPF

1. Check OSPF Process:

   show ip ospf

2. Check OSPF Logs:

   show log

3. Debug OSPF:

   monitor protocol ospf

Generate pfx and Install SSL Certificate in IIS, Enable https in IIS

Hello every one , in this video I will show you how can convert your certificate and key file to pfx format and also how to import that pfx in IIS webserver . as you know import pfx ssl certificate is easiest way to import in IIS.

Acquire an SSL Certificate:

  • You can obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) or through a third-party provider.
  • Alternatively, you can create a self-signed certificate for testing purposes, but it won’t be trusted by browsers.

2. Generate a PFX File:

  • Once you have the SSL certificate, you need to generate a PFX (Personal Information Exchange) file. This file will contain both the certificate and the private key.

Using OpenSSL (for Windows):

  • Download and install OpenSSL for Windows if you don’t have it already.
  • Open a command prompt and navigate to the OpenSSL bin directory.
  • Run the following command to generate a PFX file:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out yourdomain.pfx -inkey yourdomain.key -in yourdomain.crt

  • Replace yourdomain.pfx, yourdomain.key, and yourdomain.crt with your actual file names.

3. Install the SSL Certificate in IIS:

  • Open the IIS Manager:
    • Press Win + R, type inetmgr, and press Enter.
  • In the left-hand Connections pane, select your server node.
  • In the right-hand Actions pane, click on “Server Certificates.”

For a Self-Signed Certificate:

  • Click “Create Self-Signed Certificate” on the right-hand side.
  • Follow the wizard, providing a friendly name for the certificate.

For a Commercial Certificate:

  • Click “Import” and follow the wizard, selecting the PFX file you generated.
  • Enter the PFX password when prompted.

4. Bind the SSL Certificate to a Website:

  • In the IIS Manager, expand the Sites node in the Connections pane.
  • Select the website you want to secure with HTTPS.
  • In the right-hand Actions pane, click on “Bindings.”
  • Click “Add” to add a new binding.
  • Set the type to “https” and select the SSL certificate you installed earlier.
  • Choose an appropriate IP address and port (usually 443).
  • Click OK to save the binding.

5. Configure HTTPS in IIS:

  • Make sure the URL Rewrite module is installed in IIS. You can download it if needed.
  • In your website settings, go to the “SSL Settings.”
  • Check the box that says “Require SSL” to force HTTPS.

6. Test the Configuration:

  • Open a web browser and enter your site’s URL with “https://” (e.g.,
  • Ensure that the connection is secure and that your SSL certificate is valid.

By following these steps, you’ll generate a PFX file, install an SSL certificate in IIS, and configure HTTPS for your website. This will help secure the data transmitted between the client and your web server.