
Attach QNAP iSCSI Disk to Windows | Connect to Storage Without HBA Interface

Certainly, attaching a QNAP iSCSI disk to a Windows system involves several steps. Below is a general guide, but please note that specific steps may vary depending on the QNAP NAS model and the version of QTS firmware. Always refer to the documentation provided by QNAP for your specific model.

1. Configure iSCSI on QNAP NAS:

  • Log in to the QNAP NAS web interface.
  • Go to “Control Panel” > “Storage & Snapshots” > “iSCSI Storage.”
  • Create an iSCSI target and specify the settings, such as the target name and access permissions.
  • Create an iSCSI LUN (Logical Unit Number) within the target, specifying its size and other relevant parameters.
  • Note the iSCSI Target IQN (iSCSI Qualified Name) and the IP address of your QNAP NAS.

2. Connect Windows to the iSCSI Target:

  • On your Windows machine, open the iSCSI Initiator.
    • You can open it by searching for “iSCSI Initiator” in the Start menu.
  • In the iSCSI Initiator Properties window, go to the “Targets” tab.
  • Enter the IP address of your QNAP NAS in the “Target” field and click “Quick Connect.”
  • In the Quick Connect window, select the iSCSI target from the list and click “Connect.”
  • In the Connect to Target window, check the box next to “Enable multi-path” if your QNAP NAS supports it.
  • Click “Advanced Settings” to configure CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) settings if you have set up authentication on your QNAP NAS.
  • Click “OK” to connect to the iSCSI target.

3. Initialize and Format the iSCSI Disk:

  • Once connected, open the Disk Management tool on your Windows machine.
    • You can open it by searching for “Create and format hard disk partitions” in the Start menu.
  • You should see the new iSCSI disk as an uninitialized disk.
  • Right-click on the uninitialized disk and choose “Initialize Disk.”
  • Right-click on the newly initialized disk and select “New Simple Volume.”
  • Follow the wizard to create a new partition, assign a drive letter, and format the disk with your preferred file system.

4. Access the iSCSI Disk:

  • After formatting, the iSCSI disk should be accessible through the assigned drive letter.
  • You can now use the iSCSI disk for storage purposes, and it will behave like any other locally attached storage device.

Remember to follow best practices for iSCSI security, such as enabling CHAP authentication and restricting access to specific IP addresses, especially if your QNAP NAS is accessible over the internet. Always refer to the specific documentation for your QNAP NAS model for accurate and up-to-date instructions.

Install and Configure Veeam Backup and Replication | How to Use FREE Veeam Backup

Certainly, I can provide you with a general overview of the process to install, configure, and use Veeam Backup & Replication, including the free edition. Note that specific steps might vary based on the version of Veeam Backup & Replication you are using, so always refer to the official documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

1. Download and Install Veeam Backup & Replication:

  • Go to the Veeam website and download the Veeam Backup & Replication installation package.
  • Run the installer on the machine where you want to install Veeam Backup & Replication.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

2. Configure Veeam Backup Repository:

  • After installation, open the Veeam Backup & Replication console.
  • Configure a backup repository to store your backup files. This can be local storage, a network share, or a cloud-based repository.

3. Add VMware or Hyper-V Server:

  • In the Veeam console, click on “Backup Infrastructure” and then “Add Server.”
  • Choose either VMware vSphere or Microsoft Hyper-V, depending on your virtualization platform.
  • Enter the server details and credentials to connect to your virtualization host.

4. Create a Backup Job:

  • Click on “Backup & Replication” in the console.
  • Right-click and choose “Backup Job.”
  • Select your virtual machines or VM containers.
  • Choose a destination (backup repository).
  • Configure scheduling and retention policies.

5. Perform a Backup:

  • Run the backup job manually or wait for the scheduled time.
  • Monitor the backup job progress in the console.

6. Restore from Backup:

  • To restore VMs, go to the “Home” tab and choose “Restore.”
  • Follow the wizard to select the VM or VMs you want to restore and the restore point.
  • Choose the restore destination and complete the wizard.

Using Veeam Backup Free Edition:

  • Veeam offers a free edition with limited features, but it can still be powerful for smaller environments.
  • Download the free edition from the Veeam website.
  • Install and configure it following a similar process to the full version.
  • The free edition supports VM backups and restores, but it may lack some advanced features found in the paid version.

Additional Tips:

  • Regularly check the Veeam documentation and knowledge base for updates and best practices.
  • Consider setting up email notifications for backup job results and monitoring.
  • Explore additional features, such as replication and VeeamZIP for ad-hoc backups.

Remember, these steps provide a general guideline, and you should refer to the specific documentation for your version of Veeam Backup & Replication for detailed instructions.

Login to ESXi with Domain User | VMware ESXi Active Directory Authentication

Configuring VMware ESXi for Active Directory (AD) authentication involves joining the ESXi host to the Active Directory domain and configuring user permissions accordingly. Here are the steps:

1. Access the ESXi Host:

  • Connect to the ESXi host using the vSphere Client or vSphere Web Client.

2. Configure DNS Settings:

  • Ensure that the DNS settings on the ESXi host are correctly configured, and it can resolve the Active Directory domain controller’s name. You can set the DNS configuration in the ESXi host under “Networking” > “TCP/IP Configuration.”

3. Join ESXi Host to Active Directory:

  • In the vSphere Client, navigate to the “Host” in the inventory and select the “Configure” tab.
  • Under the “System” section, select “Authentication Services.”
  • Click “Join Domain” or “Properties” depending on your ESXi version.
  • Enter the domain information, including the domain name, username, and password with the necessary permissions to join the domain.
  • Click “Join Domain” or “OK.”


  • Domain:
  • Username: domain_admin
  • Password: ********

4. Verify Domain Join:

  • After joining the domain, you should see a success message. If not, check the credentials and network connectivity.

5. Configure Permission:

  • Go to the “Permissions” tab in the “Host” section.
  • Add the AD user account to the appropriate role (e.g., Administrator or a custom role).

Example (PowerCLI):

New-VIPermission -Principal "EXAMPLE\domain_user" -Role "Admin" -Entity $esxiHost

6. Test AD Authentication:

  • Log out of the vSphere Client and log in using an Active Directory account. Use the format “DOMAIN\username” or “” depending on your environment.


  • Server:
  • Username: example\domain_user
  • Password: ********

7. Troubleshooting:

  • If authentication fails, check the ESXi logs for any error messages related to authentication or domain joining.
  • Ensure that time synchronization is correct between the ESXi host and the domain controller.
  • Verify that the Active Directory user account has the necessary permissions.

Note: Always refer to the official VMware documentation for your specific ESXi version for the most accurate and up-to-date information. The steps might slightly differ based on the ESXi version you are using.

LACP Configuration | Increase Bandwidth Between

Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is a standard that allows you to bundle multiple physical links together to increase bandwidth and provide redundancy. This is often used to improve network performance and ensure high availability. Below are the general steps to configure LACP on network devices such as switches:

1. Ensure LACP Support:

  • Make sure that the network devices (usually switches) you are using support LACP.

2. Identify the Ports:

  • Identify the physical ports on the devices that you want to aggregate. For example, if you have two switches, identify the ports on each switch that will be part of the aggregated link.

3. Access the Device Configuration:

  • Access the command-line interface (CLI) or web-based management interface of your network device. This is typically done through a console cable, SSH, or a web browser.

4. Navigate to Port Configuration:

  • In the device configuration interface, navigate to the port configuration section.

5. Configure LACP:

  • Enable LACP on the ports that you want to aggregate. This is usually done by setting the aggregation mode to “Active” or “Passive” depending on your specific requirements.
  • Active mode means that the port actively initiates the LACP negotiation.
  • Passive mode means that the port responds to LACP negotiation but doesn’t actively initiate it.

Example (Cisco Switch CLI):

interface range GigabitEthernet0/1 - 2

channel-group 1 mode active

In this example, GigabitEthernet0/1 and GigabitEthernet0/2 are part of a channel group with mode set to active.

6. Configure the Same LACP Settings on the Other End:

  • If you are aggregating links between two devices (like two switches), ensure that you configure the same LACP settings on the corresponding ports of the other device.

Example (Cisco Switch CLI – Other End):

interface range GigabitEthernet0/1 - 2

channel-group 1 mode active

7. Verify the Configuration:

  • After configuring LACP on both ends, verify the status of the aggregated link to ensure that the LACP negotiation is successful and that the link is up.

Example (Cisco Switch CLI):

show lacp neighbor

show interfaces port-channel 1

These commands will show the LACP neighbors and the status of the aggregated link.

Keep in mind that specific commands and procedures may vary depending on the vendor and model of your network devices. Always refer to the documentation provided by your device’s manufacturer for accurate and device-specific information.

Setup VoIP Phone System at Home or Office in 4 EASY STEPS | FreePBX and Zoiper Guide

Setting up a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system at home or in an office with FreePBX involves several steps. FreePBX is an open-source PBX (Private Branch Exchange) software that can be used to manage and control VoIP phone calls. Here is a basic guide to help you set up a VoIP phone system using FreePBX:

1. Requirements:

  • A computer or server to host FreePBX (can be a physical machine or a virtual server).
  • A reliable internet connection with sufficient bandwidth for VoIP calls.
  • IP phones or softphones for users to make and receive calls.
  • VoIP service provider for external call routing.

2. Install FreePBX:

  • Download the FreePBX ISO from the official website:
  • Install FreePBX on your chosen hardware or virtual machine following the installation instructions provided on the website.

3. Access FreePBX Web Interface:

  • Once the installation is complete, access the FreePBX web interface using a web browser. The default login credentials are usually:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin

4. Configure System Admin Module:

  • In the FreePBX web interface, go to the “Admin” menu and select “System Admin.”
  • Set the time zone, hostname, and other necessary system settings.

5. Configure Extensions:

  • Extensions represent individual phone lines or users in the FreePBX system.
  • Navigate to the “Applications” menu and select “Extensions.” Add extensions for each user or device, specifying the type of device (SIP phone, softphone, etc.).

6. Set Up Trunks:

  • Trunks are used to connect FreePBX to external VoIP providers for making and receiving calls.
  • In the FreePBX web interface, go to the “Connectivity” menu and select “Trunks.” Configure trunks with the details provided by your VoIP service provider.

7. Create Inbound and Outbound Routes:

  • Inbound routes determine how incoming calls are handled, and outbound routes determine the path for outgoing calls.
  • Navigate to the “Connectivity” menu and select “Inbound Routes” and “Outbound Routes.” Configure routes based on your requirements.

8. Set Up IVR (Interactive Voice Response):

  • If needed, create an IVR to provide callers with menu options for call routing.
  • In the FreePBX web interface, go to the “Applications” menu and select “IVR.”

9. Configure Voicemail:

  • Set up voicemail boxes for users who need voicemail services.
  • In the FreePBX web interface, go to the “Applications” menu and select “Voicemail.”

10. Test the System:

  • Once everything is configured, test the system by making internal and external calls to ensure that the setup is working as expected.

11. Security Considerations:

  • Implement security measures such as firewall rules, strong passwords, and regular system updates to protect your VoIP system.

Remember to consult the documentation provided by FreePBX and your VoIP service provider for specific configuration details and troubleshooting tips. Additionally, configuring a VoIP system may require a good understanding of networking concepts and VoIP protocols, so be prepared to address any technical challenges that may arise.

vCenter Installation and Configuration


  1. Hardware Requirements:
    • Verify that your hardware meets the requirements for vCenter installation.
    • Ensure that the hardware is on the VMware Compatibility Guide.
  2. Software Requirements:
    • Download the vCenter Server installer from the VMware website.
  3. Database:
    • Decide whether to use the embedded PostgreSQL database or an external database like Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

Installation Steps:

  1. Run the Installer:
    • Mount the vCenter Server ISO or run the installer directly.
    • Select “vCenter Server” from the installer menu.
  2. Introduction:
    • Click “Next” on the introduction screen.
  3. Accept the License Agreement:
    • Read and accept the license agreement.
  4. Select Deployment Type:
    • Choose between a vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller (PSC) or an external PSC.
  5. System Configuration:
    • Enter the system name and set the Single Sign-On (SSO) password.
    • Configure the network settings.
  6. Select Database:
    • Choose between the embedded PostgreSQL database or an external database.
    • If using an external database, provide the database connection details.
  7. SSO Configuration:
    • Configure the Single Sign-On (SSO) domain and site name.
  8. Inventory Size:
    • Select the size of your inventory (tiny, small, medium, large, or x-large).
  9. vCenter Service Account:
    • Provide a username and password for the vCenter Server service account.
  10. Select Installation Location:
    • Choose the installation directory for vCenter.
  11. Configure CEIP:
    • Choose whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program.
  12. Ready to Install:
    • Review the configuration settings and click “Install” to begin the installation.
  13. Installation Progress:
    • Monitor the installation progress.
  14. Complete the Installation:
    • Once the installation is complete, click “Finish.”

Post-Installation Steps:

  1. Access vCenter Server:
    • Open a web browser and navigate to the vCenter Server URL (https://<vCenterServer>/vsphere-client).
  2. Configure vCenter Services:
    • Log in using the SSO administrator credentials.
    • Configure additional vCenter services if necessary.
  3. License vCenter Server:
    • Apply the license key to vCenter Server.
  4. Add ESXi Hosts:
    • In the vSphere Client, add the ESXi hosts to the vCenter inventory.
  5. Create Datacenter and Clusters:
    • Organize your infrastructure by creating datacenters and clusters.
  6. Configure Networking and Storage:
    • Set up networking and storage configurations.
  7. Create Virtual Machines:
    • Start creating virtual machines within the vCenter environment.
  8. Set Up Backup and Monitoring:
    • Implement backup solutions and configure monitoring for your vSphere environment.

Remember to refer to the official VMware documentation for the version you are installing, as steps may vary slightly based on the specific release.

FortiGate Radius Configuration

Hello everyone , in this video I am going to integrate fortigate firewall with radius server , after that fortigate administrators can login and manage fortigate by using their active directory username and password.

Step 1: Log into FortiGate

Access your FortiGate device through a web browser or SSH client.

Step 2: Navigate to System Settings

  1. Go to System > Settings in the FortiGate web interface.

Step 3: Configure RADIUS Server

  1. Under Authentication Settings, click Create New to add a RADIUS server.
  2. Fill in the following details:
    • Name: A descriptive name for the RADIUS server.
    • Server: Enter the IP address or hostname of your RADIUS server.
    • Secret: This is a shared secret key that must match the one configured on the RADIUS server for authentication. It ensures secure communication between FortiGate and the RADIUS server.
    • Authentication Port: Usually set to 1812 for RADIUS authentication.
    • Accounting Port: Typically set to 1813 for RADIUS accounting, if needed.
  3. Click OK to save the RADIUS server configuration.

Step 4: Define a RADIUS Server Group

  1. Under Authentication Settings, click Create New to add a RADIUS server group.
  2. Give the group a descriptive name to identify it later.
  3. Add the previously configured RADIUS server(s) to the group. You can use multiple RADIUS servers for redundancy and load balancing.
    • Select the RADIUS servers from the list and use the right arrow button to move them to the “Selected” column.
  4. Click OK to save the RADIUS server group.

Step 5: Configure User Groups for RADIUS Authentication

  1. If you want to use RADIUS for user authentication, navigate to User & Device > User Groups.
  2. Edit an existing user group or create a new one based on your needs.
  3. In the user group settings, go to the Remote Groups section and select the RADIUS server group you created in Step 4.
  • This configuration ensures that users in this group will be authenticated against the RADIUS server.

Step 6: Testing

  1. It’s essential to test your RADIUS configuration to verify that it’s functioning correctly. You can do this by attempting to log in using user accounts associated with the RADIUS server.

Step 7: Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  1. FortiGate provides various monitoring tools under Log & Report where you can review RADIUS authentication and accounting logs. These logs can be instrumental in troubleshooting any issues with the RADIUS configuration.

Step 8: Additional Configuration

  1. Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to configure additional options such as RADIUS accounting, timeout settings, and other advanced features. Consult the FortiGate documentation for comprehensive details on these options.

Step 9: Save Configuration

  1. Make sure to save your configuration changes to ensure they are preserved across device reboots and updates.

By following these detailed steps, you can set up FortiGate to authenticate and authorize users through a RADIUS server effectively. This configuration enhances network security by centralizing user authentication and access control.

FortiGate Automation-Send Microsoft Teams Notification

Hello every one , in this video I will introduce how can you integrate your fortigate firewall with Microsoft teams and get notification in case of admin login failed, Also I will describe fortigate automation service to do some actions for triggered events.

1. Configure Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook:

  • Log in to your Microsoft Teams account and navigate to the channel where you want to receive notifications.
  • Click on the three dots (…) next to the channel name and select “Connectors.”
  • Search for “Incoming Webhook” and click on it to configure.
  • Give your webhook a name and customize its settings, such as the icon that will be displayed with messages.
  • Once configured, a unique webhook URL will be generated. Copy and save this URL, as you’ll need it to send notifications from FortiGate to Teams.

2. Configure FortiGate Automation:

  • Access your FortiGate firewall’s web interface or CLI.

a. Define Triggering Events:

– Depending on your specific use case, you’ll want to define the events or conditions that trigger notifications. For example, you might want to send notifications when: – A critical security event is detected (e.g., intrusion attempts, malware activity). – A specific network condition is met (e.g., bandwidth threshold exceeded). – Configuration changes are made on the firewall.

b. Create a Custom Script or Action:

  • FortiGate Automation typically involves creating custom scripts or actions using FortiScript (for CLI-based automation) or FortiManager (for GUI-based automation).
  • Here’s an example of a custom FortiScript that sends a notification to Microsoft Teams using the webhook URL:
  # Define the Microsoft Teams webhook URL
  set teams_webhook_url "https://yourteamswebhookurl"

  # Define the message to send
  set message "A critical security event has been detected on FortiGate!"

  # Construct the JSON payload
  set json_payload '{"text": "'$message'"}'

  # Send the HTTP POST request to Microsoft Teams
  execute log "Sending Microsoft Teams notification..."
  execute external "post $teams_webhook_url" $json_payload

c. Customize the Message:

- You can customize the message within the script to include details about the triggered event, such as date, time, event type, and any relevant information.

3. Test the Automation:

  • To test the automation, trigger the event or condition that should initiate the notification. Check Microsoft Teams to ensure that the message is sent and received correctly.

4. Enable the Automation:

  • Once you have successfully tested the automation and are confident in its functionality, you can enable it in your FortiGate configuration.

5. Monitoring and Fine-Tuning:

  • Regularly monitor the automation to ensure that it continues to work as expected. If needed, you can make adjustments to the script or action to meet changing requirements or address any issues that may arise.

By following these detailed steps, you can set up a robust automation system within FortiGate to send Microsoft Teams notifications whenever specific events occur, helping you stay informed about critical network and security events in real-time.

FortiGate Session limit Configuration

Hello everyone in this video i will configure traffic shaping and session limit for my test web server , By enforcing session limits, you can prevent a single client or a group of clients from establishing an excessive number of connections, thus reducing the impact of DDoS attacks, also Web servers have finite resources, including CPU, memory, and network bandwidth.

Allowing too many concurrent sessions can lead to resource exhaustion, resulting in degraded performance or even server crashes. The FortiGate Traffic Shaper is a feature within the Fortinet FortiGate firewall platform that allows you to control and manage network traffic by applying quality of service (QoS) policies. The Traffic Shaper provides a set of tools to shape, control, and monitor network traffic based on predefined policies and rules.

1. Log into the FortiGate Web Interface:

  • Open a web browser and enter the IP address of your FortiGate device.
  • Log in with administrator credentials.

2. Navigate to Security Policies:

  • In the FortiGate web interface, go to “Policy & Objects” or a similar section, depending on your FortiGate’s firmware version.

3. Create or Edit a Security Policy:

  • You can either create a new security policy or edit an existing one. A security policy defines the rules for traffic passing through the firewall.

4. Configure the Session Limits:

a. General Settings: – In the security policy configuration, you’ll find an option to set session limits. Look for a section labeled “Session Options” or similar.

b. Select Session Limit Type: – Choose the appropriate session limit type based on your requirements: – Limit: Sets a maximum limit on the total number of concurrent sessions allowed for this policy. – Per-User Limit: Sets a session limit per user, which is useful in user-based authentication scenarios. – Per-IP Limit: Sets a session limit per source IP address.

c. Configure Limit Value: – Specify the numeric value for the session limit. For example, if you chose “Limit” and set the value to 100, this policy would allow a maximum of 100 concurrent sessions.

d. Define Action on Limit: – Choose what should happen when the session limit is reached. Common actions include: – Accept: Continue accepting new sessions, ignoring the limit. – Drop: Reject new sessions once the limit is reached. – Log: Log information about sessions that exceed the limit. – Rate Limit: Throttle the rate of new sessions when the limit is reached.

e. Idle Timeout and Session Timeout: – These settings help manage session duration: – Idle Timeout: Set the maximum time a session can remain idle (no traffic) before it’s terminated. This prevents stale connections from consuming resources. – Session Timeout: Define the maximum duration a session can last before being terminated, regardless of activity.

f. Advanced Session Options (Optional): – Depending on your FortiGate firmware version and specific requirements, you may have additional session-related options to configure. These could include session helpers for specific protocols or advanced settings for more granular control over session behavior.

5. Save and Apply the Configuration:

  • Once you’ve configured the session limits according to your requirements, save the changes and apply the updated security policy.

6. Testing and Monitoring:

  • Thoroughly test your firewall rules and session limits to ensure they align with your network’s security and performance needs.
  • Monitor firewall logs and session statistics to track how the session limits are being enforced and whether any adjustments are needed.

Please note that the exact steps and terminology may vary depending on your FortiGate firmware version. Consult the official Fortinet documentation or seek assistance from Fortinet support for version-specific details or advanced configurations. Additionally, it’s important to regularly review and update your security policies to adapt to changing network requirements and threats.